In accordance with the theme of the Seminar, E3S Web of Conferences (France, indexed in Scopus), which belongs to the publishing house
Seminar Proceedings Publishing House (indexed in Scopus)

Requirements for scientific content and design of publications

It isn’t allowed to send already published articles to the programming and organizing committee, or articles sent for publication in other publications

Article requirements:

Exact logic: designation of the problem (goals) > proof of relevance > degree of development (scientific background, existing approaches, points of view) > experience in solving the problem (domestic, foreign) > addition / development of existing approaches (i.e. an indication of the fragmentation of the solution or use of inadequate methods and approaches) > expected result.

The article must have:

  • relevance (the subject of the article should be of interest to the scientific community in terms of the current development of science and technology);
  • scientific character (the article should consider the scientific aspects of the problem being solved, even if the problem itself is of applied importance);
  • novelty (the results presented in the article must have scientific novelty, review articles are allowed by special decision of the organizing committee).

The article should be clearly structured, i.e. should be accepted in scientific publications sections, namely:

  • introduction;
  • relevance, scientific significance of the issue with a brief review of the literature;
  • problem statement;
  • theoretical part
  • practical significance, proposals and results of implementations, results of experimental studies;
  • conclusions (conclusion).

Emphasize on:

  • obligatory compliance with the topic – purpose – object – subject of the article. That is, you should talk about a clearly defined problem: the type of real estate, the contract, the organizational and economic mechanism, the approach to pricing, etc.;
  • the problem is a conscious contradiction (for example, between the need to save resources and the conditions for their use, or between the economic interests of construction participants, or between goals and methods for achieving them);
  • goal is the desired result. This can be: a new state of the system (it becomes competitive), a developed method for solving a problem (for example, an iterative method for achieving a consensus of interests, etc.), identified development reserves / resources (for example, information resources, etc.), eliminating losses or eliminating damage, etc.;
  • hypothesis is an assumption about the possibility of solving the problem by the method .... or by using the identified reserve, etc.;
  • the need to explore existing approaches. Any problem did not arise immediately, and most often not only in our country;
  • obligatory assessment of existing proposals, i.e. what can be used and what is not (it is necessary to explain why. To do this, use performance criteria);
  • when forming proposals, use the evidence base (either references to statistics, or analysis of experience, or use the techniques of formal logic).

The results proposed in the article must be substantiated with the help of one or another scientific toolkit: mathematical derivation, experimentally, mathematical modeling, etc., so that they can be considered sufficient assumptions. Materials containing only a statement of a hypothesis or unverified proposals will not be accepted.

The article should represent a complete cycle of a holistic study, i.e. it should begin with a problem statement and end with a reliable solution of this problem. Articles containing only ideas, ideas for solving problems are not published. Ideas must be brought to the level of law, regularity, dependence, model, method, algorithm, etc. It is necessary to prove the truth of the idea, its adequacy, usefulness.

The results presented in the article should be formulated in the form of scientific provisions that clearly define the essence of the contribution to science.

The article must be written in good English.

Scientific articles (reports) must contain:

  • title;
  • information about the authors (surname, initials; place of work, city, country; email address);
  • abstract in the amount of 100 to 250 words;
  • a list of keywords or phrases in the amount of not more than 7;
  • a list of references, with a recommended volume of 20 to 30 references, of which at least 30% are references to foreign sources and no more than 30% are self-citations;
  • the number of authors of one article - no more than three. The number of articles that the author can publish in one collection - no more than two;
  • article size: 4-6 full pages.

The article should be typed in the template [Link]

Articles prepared in accordance with the requirements are reviewed, in accordance with which a decision is made on the possibility of its publication or rejection.

The Organizing Committee also reserves the right not to accept works designed and submitted with deviations from the established requirements and template.

Accompanying Documents [Link]

Laboratory of pipeline and hydraulic systems
ESI SB RAS, 2023.